Mounting Pressure on President Biden to Withdraw

As speculation grows, President Joe Biden might step down from his presidential campaign this weekend, according to a recent report. At 81 years old, Biden faces increasing scrutiny over his mental fitness and concerns about his ability to defeat former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

Concerns and Criticisms from Senior Democrats

Despite Biden’s public assurances of continuing his campaign, senior Democratic insiders suggest otherwise. Axios highlights that top aides believe Biden’s withdrawal is imminent due to the intense examination of his competence and recent poor polling numbers. Similarly, The New York Times reported that Biden has begun to entertain the possibility of not being able to win the November election, citing sources close to the president.

Mixed Reactions from the Biden Camp

Contradicting these reports, Biden campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond vehemently denied any plans for Biden to quit, stating on MSNBC, “The president has said that he is running and it’s the end of the story.” Nonetheless, Biden’s faltering performance in recent debates has sparked widespread concern about his capability to lead for another term.

Increasing Calls for Biden to Step Down

The pressure has intensified in recent days as prominent Democratic figures, including Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have urged Biden to reconsider his decision. Adding to the pressure, former President Barack Obama has reportedly expressed doubts about Biden’s chances of winning, advising a serious re-evaluation of his campaign.

Public Opinion and Polling Data

Recent surveys amplify the urgency for Biden to rethink his candidacy. An AP-NORC poll revealed that nearly two-thirds of Democrats prefer Biden to withdraw and allow the party to nominate a different candidate. An unnamed close friend of Biden echoed these sentiments to Axios, suggesting Biden’s legacy is at stake depending on his decision.

Potential Successors and Their Chances

Amidst this uncertainty, Biden has reportedly been inquiring about Vice President Kamala Harris’s potential performance against Trump. Polls indicate that while Harris might perform slightly better than Biden, the race would remain competitive. Additionally, other Democrats like Arizona Senator Mark Kelly and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have been identified as potentially stronger candidates.

The Path to Reelection: A Tightrope Walk

Biden’s path to reelection appears narrow, with four of the seven key battleground states slipping away. Trump currently leads in three states that Biden won in 2020—Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada—along with North Carolina. To secure a victory, Biden would need to win critical Rust Belt states and a congressional district in Nebraska, resulting in a razor-thin margin of 270 electoral votes to Trump’s 268, mirroring one of the closest elections in U.S. history, when Republican Rutherford B. Hayes won the election by one electoral college vote in 1876.
